Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag film franchise

#DontSpoilTheEndgame Was Mostly a Success

Per Matt Superhero fans are a rare breed of moviegoers. They enjoy seeing their favorite comic book characters adapted to the big screen and boost box-office bucks to the billions of dollars for the studios who properly tell their tales…. Continue Reading →

Will Cameron’s Return Terminate His Film Franchise?

Per Matt Maybe the better question is: Can the Terminator franchise get any better? Maybe Dark Fate really is an appropriate title for the upcoming movie.

What Does Jon Favreau Bring to The Mandalorian?

As Avengers: Endgame wraps up one film franchise, another one prepares to begin. And the shiny connection that links the two is filmmaker Jon Favreau.

Which Skywalker Will Rise? And Which Will Fall?

After Lucasfilm released the teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, speculation and rumors about the upcoming movie have swirled nonstop on the ‘net. While I tend to shy away from all trailers of any kind — because… Continue Reading →

Child’s Play Reboot May Be Scary For All The Wrong Reasons

For fans of Halloween, horror movies and the original Child’s Play series of films, the announcement of the 2019 reboot of the horror film franchise sent chills down the spine. Unfortunately, it was for all bad reasons. As of late,… Continue Reading →

Shadows Removes the Dark Stigma of Being a Vampire

After the Twilight era of films concluded, vampires are no longer always viewed as the nightmare creatures previously portrayed in stories for centuries. While not a young adult storyline — thankfully — What We Do in the Shadows takes a… Continue Reading →

Disney Filps on Guardians’ Gunn Decision

With Disney’s recent decision to reinstate James Gunn as protector of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, what does that mean for Marvel Studios moving forward?

Live. Die. Repeat. 2, the Sci-Fi Sequel

What’s in a name? When it comes to a title, whatever you call the Edge of Tomorrow movie, AKA Live. Die. Repeat. or the film’s original name, All You Need Is Kill — which is the title of the Hiroshi Sakurazaka… Continue Reading →

Raisin’ Hellboy

Back from the dead, the Hellboy franchise returns to movie theaters fully rejuvenated after an 11-year hiatus.

Aquaman Spin-Off to Inject Horror Into DC Universe

The DC Universe is getting a little scarier, as Warner Bros. will release an Aquaman a spin-off movie in the horror vein before Jason Momoa’s title character receives an official sequel.

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