Time is precious. It’s invaluable, actually. There’s no getting it back, once it’s gone. And it’s not until the closing minutes of Preacher‘s series finale until it becomes painfully clear. The outcome doesn’t have anything to do with a vengeful,… Continue Reading →
As the end of the world looms large, Jesse Custer’s focus is stronger than ever to meet up with God to talk some things out, as Jesus Christ negotiates with Adolf Hitler the rules of Armageddon in the final season… Continue Reading →
Austin Vesely, the music video king, has his first full-length film under his belt with Slice. In the past, Vesely has collaborated with Chance the Rapper on several music videos, including “Juice,” “Everybody’s Something” and “Angels.” They worked on Slice… Continue Reading →
Hello folks and welcome back to another installment of #HauntLife, the blog that covers pop culture from a haunter’s point of view. This week, the Nashville haunted house scene begins to light up with some of the best attractions, opening… Continue Reading →
Highly touted as the TV series brought to you by the producers of This is the End and Sausage Party, Writers-Directors-Producers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg proudly bring back Preacher for Season 2 on AMC.
So, you are just in the backyard, enjoying a day with the family. Your wife is helping you plant some new items in your small garden, while your daughter is running around playing. The world couldn’t be any more beautiful…. Continue Reading →
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Only The Simpsons Can Reveal True Holiday Nightmares
After 31 seasons, The Simpsons keeps on going, or the animated comedy just won’t stop and simply go away… quietly. Regardless, I’ve been a fan of the show for many, many years, dating back to The Tracey Ulman Show. If… Continue Reading →