Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The Soska Sisters Get Rabid

Per Matt Medical experiments gone wrong have been a mainstay plot device within the horror genre for years. During this time of the Coronavirus pandemic, self isolation, quarantine and emergency operations can get even scarier. What better time to get… Continue Reading →

What If 12 Monkeys Predicted the Coronavirus Pademic?

Hey, remember the ’90s? Back when every one of Bruce Willis’ movies made $100 million and Brad Pitt was just beginning to flex his acting muscles (that’s Mr. Oscar Winner to you these days). I really feel like Goat Boy,… Continue Reading →

Retelling The War of the Worlds

Per Matt H.G. Wells crafted one of the first — and possibly the best — interstellar conflicts with The War of the Worlds. Originally released as a serialized story in 1857, his was a genius tale describing a global alien… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Daybreakers

A worldwide plague turns humans into vampires. A lack of blood supply threatens survival. And humanity’s last hope may be an immortal hematologist who refuses to feast on humans. Daybreakers is My Guilty Pleasure.

Apollo 11 May Be the Best Documentary, Ever!

Per Matt Knowledge of everything pertaining to outer space is imperative for the survival of the human race. While it may not be conquerable, man’s journey to survive the harshest of environments began with Yuri Gagarin’s record-breaking journey outside of… Continue Reading →

Forgotten Films Documents Apollo’s Greatest Accomplishment

Per Matt A lot can be accomplished within 50 years, and when you’re dealing with the space race, rushing to beat a rival country to land on the moon, time is money with humanity waiting on the outcome. Apollo: The… Continue Reading →

Only The Simpsons Can Reveal True Holiday Nightmares

After 31 seasons, The Simpsons keeps on going, or the animated comedy just won’t stop and simply go away… quietly. Regardless, I’ve been a fan of the show for many, many years, dating back to The Tracey Ulman Show. If… Continue Reading →

Preacher Showed Promise, Then Faded Away…

Time is precious. It’s invaluable, actually. There’s no getting it back, once it’s gone. And it’s not until the closing minutes of Preacher‘s series finale until it becomes painfully clear. The outcome doesn’t have anything to do with a vengeful,… Continue Reading →

Fear Finale Raises Questions About The Walking Dead’s Future

Tough calls can easily flip the best-laid plans. That’s why the last few minutes of Fear The Walking Dead‘s season finale, “End of the Line,” actually feel appropriate for the franchise (along with its title), as a main character is… Continue Reading →

Prepping for the Beginning of The Walking Dead’s End

In television terms, 10 years is an eternity for a show to remain airing and relevant within the pop-culture spectrum… and a rare thing at that, with one featuring Zombies. As I watched the “Season 10 Preview Special,” I wasn’t… Continue Reading →

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